Friday, April 17, 2015

Here I am!

I haven't forgotten about this blog. I have been swamped with work, family, life.  And, honestly, the last post took a lot out of me emotionally. I hadn't realized it until about a week later, when I thought about coming back to post something else, and I just couldn't get myself to sit down and do it.

From here on, I will do my best to post 1-2 times per week.  I don't know that I'm going to proceed in a linear fashion going forward.  So much of the adoption process is emotional, and that means it isn't just about what happened and when. It's about why it happened, how it felt, and how we coped with it.

I'm a linear thinker.  I'm horrible at spatial relations. I love to tell stories, and I love detail.  My husband is an attorney who has a hard time with my storytelling because the fluffy detail annoys him. He wants the point of the story, not all of the lovely embellishments that I adore (Those who tell stories as I do make HORRIBLE witnesses.)

If there is something specific that you would like me to talk about, please comment below or send me a message on FB:

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